The My Plans page is a central location for your lesson plans.
Clicking on a lesson plan title will take you back to the plan overview page, where you can view that plan’s contents (and edit the contents if you have an active free trial or subscription).
Use the search field to find a particular lesson plan from your list. You can search for any words or phrases in your lesson plan name or tag.
Please note the search looks for an exact match, so if you enter multiple words and run a search, it will look for the whole phrase, not the individual words.
Alternatively, you can click on a tag to instantly bring up all plans with that particular tag.
Click [Clear Search] (under the [Search] button) to see all of your plans again.
By default, plans are sorted by Edited Date, with your most recently edited plans at the top. You can change this order using the ‘Sort plans by’ dropdown.
Click the buttons on any lesson plan row to perform plan actions quickly! These are the same actions you can do from the plan overview page.
- Download – Get a single-page pdf of your plan. You can still do this after your free trial or subscription expires.
- Copy – Use that lesson plan’s content as the basis for a new plan (or you can only copy the plan’s section titles, if you prefer). Only those with an active free trial or subscription can do this.
- Delete – Delete your plan forever. You will need to confirm you want to do this
in a pop-up window.
At the top of your My Plans page is a button allowing you to download a blank pdf of the 5 Minute Lesson Plan template, just in case you ever need to print and fill one out by hand.